After three years in the concept and a year of mad planning we have finally made it. Our dream of Butterfly Dancewear has emerged and is ready to take flight.
As you may have read on our website, we are dedicated to designing and making dancewear for adult bodies. We want everyone to be able to wear Butterfly and feel beautiful, whether in the studio or having a coffee. At the moment we are focused on females but we aim to have male and gender-neutral collections in the not-too-distant future.
The purpose of our blog isn’t just about ballet clothes – although there will be some of that – but about the reality of being adult ballet dancers in the wider sense.
In our Christchurch classes we have a range of dancers from 22 to 82 and we all love to dance. At the end of 2022 over 50 of us took part in an end of year performance and for many it was a first-time-on-stage experience. As the final curtain came down the sheer explosion of joy was incredible. We had worked hard, conquered our stage fright, learnt choreography, shown up to our friends and families, and put ourselves OUT THERE, literally in the spotlight, in a way that never happens in our ordinary lives.
Everyone has personal and different reasons to go to class, and we will have a deep dive into some of those in the future, mostly there is a sense of it being ‘Me Time’.
We all have so many divergent demands on our time; as mothers, daughters, partners, sisters we care for our families, we hold down jobs and mostly we run around looking after other people. The Ballet Studio is one space where everything can be left at the door. There isn’t room to think about anything but the steps and the music. It’s a place to spend time on our own physical and mental health without any judgement, and in our busy lives that’s a real oasis.
With Butterfly we really want to contribute positive vibes to dancers by creating dancewear that is comfortable and beautiful and makes every dancer feel UH-MAZING. We want to showcase you, in your Butterfly, and to support each other within a safe and dancey community. So, watch this space, watch our socials and join our mailing list to be first to know about new releases, hot gossip and special offers.
May your inner Butterfly take flight xoxo